Can I ask what you feed your cats? Mine recently made himself so sick that he almost died. He’s normally fine but I’m worried I’m not feeding him right. The vets are very ambiguous whenever I ask them and say it’s right but then make odd comments here and there too.
Alice King: We use hills science plan
Emmanuel Harrison: Jag loves this stuff and it’s the only thing he will eat
Hazel Simon: Hope you give a cat version
Emmanuel Harrison: Omg I just noticed that hahaha yes it’s the cat version ??
Sophia Mckenzie: Now Fresh adult cat and Acana/Orijen
Jaxson Larson: We use Iams dry food and friskies wet.
Emily Mccoy: Rx Purina from vet ONLY. No treats
Henry Figueroa: I’m currently giving Arden Grange adult cat and about 7.5 grams of applaws tuna every day or so. He also has treats every now and then. Am I going wrong do you think? The vets say to go easy on the treats (which we do) but then they give him a huge amount when he is in their surgery. Everyone says it sounds about right but then make comments about how tuna is a lot etc. I know a can of tuna is equivalent to 4 hamburgers for a human but surely 7.5g (1/3 of a can) every day or so can’t be too bad? Maybe I should try him on wet food again but he won’t really take it.
Danna Park: When vets give kittens huge amounts of treats it is largely about conditioning! Many cats are a little to very scared when at a vet, all the smells and noises and then usually they only go there when something hurts or feels uncomfortable and then that…See more
Benjamin Newton: If he will eat the Applaws tuna try him on some more of their flavours. Tuna is fine occasionally but too much of it isn’t terribly good for them. Do Arden Grange not do wet food? Usually if they will eat the dry food from one manufacturer they will be more amenable to trying the wet.
Henry Figueroa: I will look thank you and no unfortunately he won’t eat any of the other flavours. We have a very picky nfc lol
Benjamin Newton: Oh I know that one! Have you tried mixing just very small amounts of the other flavours with the tuna? No more than a spoonful at a time. That is how I introduce mine to new foods. Can take weeks but they do eventually learn to accept the new flavours if it done slowly
Henry Figueroa: No I haven’t, but I will now! Thanks for the tip xx
Henry Figueroa: Makes sense I guess as it’s how we swapped his dry food from kitten to adult lol
Hazel Simon: Mine get tesco own brand meat in jelly wainwrights or ava from pets at home plus homecooked meats and also day old chicks and mice. Wainwrights is better than hills when you compare ingredients. Vets tend to recommend hills or royal canin. Suggestion is to make sure it is grain free and meat is top of list
Henry Figueroa: The arden Grange stuff is grain free. He rarely eats cooked meat but I do try him. Thanks for the tips x
Hazel Simon: Arent they fussy lol. If he is eating dry only make sure he drinks plenty. Think they do a wet food but not sure. hope you sort it
Henry Figueroa: Thanks hun. Yeah he seems mostly OK but it was a scary episode lol. He’s 2.5 years old now and we love him so much haha. I will check into it, thanks so much for the tips x
Hazel Simon: If you need any help feel free to contact me
Henry Figueroa: Thank you so much x
Jeremiah Roberts: My old cat had IBS, she could only eat food flavoured with white meat or white fish as they were kinder on her stomach, if it hasn’t been considered maybe worth playing with different flavours. l used to also cook her some coley which she loved.
Katelyn Gibbs: My boyz are 16 and 10 and they have NEVER eaten anything except Purina Cat Chow Complete. They are thriving. Oh, I admit they get a leftover tidbit or two, but just once in awhile.
Nolan Byrd: Purina KILLED my Chocolate Lab. Kittens get Orijin only~
Henry Figueroa: Sorry to hear that
Danna Park: Mine B.A.R.F 90% of the time except when the butcher has no local meat left then I feed them food that is grain free and NEVER dry food since that killed my first kitten because he wouldnt eat anything else. The issue with most “common” super market foods are only.. waste. Sad but true. IF you want I can give you a list of “good” food brands? A wrong diet can over long times hurt your cat and you wont even notice.
Danna Park: Especially if your kitty is evolving to have a “sensitive” stomach
Hazel Simon: Danna Park: not all supermarket food is waste. Tesco is 40%meat and animal derivatives. I feed 5 cats who eat 4 400g cans a day (3 to 4 days a week) homecooked food the rest of the time plus i go through 250 to 400g kibble. If i went top of range 100% meat i wouldnt be able to keep up with cost.
Danna Park: I feed a minimum of 80% meat in cat food. what is the rest gonna be? nothing a cat usually needs. You also want to consider WHAT it is, very good quality cat food would have intestines and muscles but that is stupidly rare to find and truly to expansiv…See more
Hazel Simon: We started looking more into what we were feeding the cats as my 2 oldest boys have skin conditions and my youngest girl came to me extremely underweight and flaky skin. Ours it is hills science diet. I am trying to do more barf but sadly got an adult …See more
Hazel Simon: Our one vet is please use hill science diet oh my the stuff that is in that compared to wainwrights was horrid. I always look for meat first.
Danna Park: I am a student currently in the first semester of VetMed and already I notice the money flowing and the bribery. Its disgusting. At first when i didnt know better i listened to my vet too and then i actually researched and felt so bad for my kitty.
Danna Park: For brands lemme just check what would also be available outsode of europe
Hazel Simon: We did for poor smudge he is now in an e collar and having medicated powder put on over broken down skin. I should have known better given his history. Got him back on our normal diet. But too late. I am cross i took him in for his vaccinations and yearly health check as he is 11 years old. And they suggested trying hills science diet as didnt see normal vet. I have been in tears today with it as he is so dejected
Hazel Simon: I am uk Danna Park:
Danna Park: I habe this list that is the common go to list in a german group i am in that is all about cat nutrition, so its in german and also bad quality, im sorry about that. Maybe you recognise some names in there,green is obviously good, red means avoid and so on, there are some brands in there that are only german so you might not be able to get them except for ordering online… not sure if this helps
Hazel Simon: My german is ok slightly out of practice but still usable. Some names i recognise instantly.
Hazel Simon: Natures menu also do raw frozen food such as duck neck.
Danna Park: Hate language barriers haha. I really hope you can use that list
Hazel Simon: Yes. I can. Just got to hope we can get smudge’s skin to heal never again will i follow dietary advise to try hills. I will stick with ava and wainwrights kibble but will try and get some better commercial wet food
Danna Park: What did the poor fluff have? Allergic reaction?
Hazel Simon: Yes very bad too all down his spine and hindquarters raw broken skin. Worst i have seen. But his wool has fallen out too. They gave him some medication as an injection and prescribed a medicated talc like stuff. Already seen an improvement as it is drying the scabs. Got to check little lady as she is scratching
Danna Park: Oh no that sounds terrible, all the best for the poor kitter!
Henry Figueroa: So hills is on the avoid list?
Hazel Simon: Yes it is
Henry Figueroa: Blooming heck lol its like a minefield. A bunch of people advised that too lol thanks guys x
Danna Park: It really is surprising how much of that is very very bad for our cats and how little people know about nutrition
Danna Park: Also… dont feed purely kibble… at least do a mix
Henry Figueroa: Bought some wet food today that he ate nicely. Thanks for all the tips x
Hazel Simon: Which wet food hun.
Henry Figueroa: I got a box of science plan chicken and ocean fish I haven’t tried yet but the stuff he ate was called ‘Wellness’ and from the ingredients is just differwnt forms of meat (broth, chunks etc)
Hazel Simon: Hills science plan triggered smudge’s reaction so be careful with it. Not seen wellness yet but is is grain free
Henry Figueroa: Both grain free. Did I accidentally buy the stuff we said no to? Lol
Hazel Simon: Yes science plan is hills. But use it slowly and mixed in with good quality. We love ava and wainwrights from pets at home
Henry Figueroa: I’m such an idiot can’t believe I did that.
Henry Figueroa: This is the other one x
Hazel Simon: Is meat top of list. And can i ask where you got it as i am intrigued
Henry Figueroa: Pets at home x
Henry Figueroa::
Henry Figueroa: These are the ingredients x
Danna Park: I’d rank it at somewhat lower medium quality and it should not be the only feed since cats also need meat and not just fish but it would make a good half half thing if that makes sense. Also the sunflower oil in there is… blah. Cat cant use it whatsoever since its plant oil but better than all the refined fats you’ll find in other foods
Danna Park: They added taurine which is really important for a healthy kitten diet so i guess they try?
Henry Figueroa: It’s to supplement his dry food not to replace. I literally have no idea. I checked all the ingredients and, to me, these looked the best. My two vet friends have previously both said the dry food I’m feeding is fine and he will pick up the extra hunting so I don’t know what else to do. There are limited options I guess.
Hazel Simon: This food is fine but try different flavours.
Hazel Simon: More important is he is eating it
Henry Figueroa: I have 2 flavours in the cupboard, didn’t want to buy lots if he wouldn’t touch it x
Hazel Simon: No i dont buy lots incase. Right now twiglet has run off with bacon. Much more unhealthy for them
Maxwell Washington: Science Diet prescription ever since Tequi decided to chew a lilly.
Hudson Quinn: Oh no!! I caught my kittie just this year sniffing and fake chewing my poinssetta this Christmas. That got remedied right quick. I forgot they were poisonous because I never have them.
Henry Figueroa: Oh no! I won’t even have lilies or poinsettia in my house after learning about poisonous plants for cats lol. There were geraniums in the garden that we thought he had eaten though
Maxwell Washington: We didn’t realize there was a lilly in my birthday bouquet until it was too late.
Henry Figueroa: I didn’t know they were allergic until after I got a whole bunch and then thought to check it lol. It’s so easily done. I’m sorry to hear that your kitty fell foul of it xx
Stephen Cooper: 4 health indoor grain free cat food. I recently changed from Taste Of The Wild. That stuff was getting expensive for the pocket book
Stephanie Bailey Stewart:
Stephen Cooper::
Nina Roy: Hills science furball control
Delaney Christensen: Blue Buffalo grain free hairball formula kibble and Blue Buffalo or Beyond grain free pate canned food. ???
Lyric Hubbard: Blue Buffalo wilderness. I try to switch the flavor up when I can.
Daisy Reeves: Lilly’s organic meat and dry food is mixture of Lilly’s and sanobelle
Jorge Hodges: Mostly homemade low phosphorus raw but some days the girls just wan their junk gourmet mousse n Sheba sachets
Margaret Klein: My cats love hills’ science diet
Briella Miller: My cats only eat dry food from Hill’s.
I feed my NFC and DSH Iams Indoor Weight Control and Hairball Care. They’ve been on it for about the last month and they like the taste and I find Iams is not that expensive for our lovely cats!!