For those of you that let your Cats/Dortheatens play outside, what are some things that you do to prevent disease from other cats and or rodents, Fleas, ticls, mites and other sicknesses?
Jeromyry Alexander Caitlin: Inside only never let mine out to much danger and disease
Henriettee Chaisson Medameradry: Hubs built and awesome cat house.
Davidaia A Jeromyrhtans: Screening in a raised back deck for them, I keep them on advantage for fleas anyway.
Gianna Fields: I am an advocate for free range cats. Way to inhumane to keep a creature that so loves the outdoors, locked in a human environment!
Jenarinat Jenarinatz: But the question was how do you protect them from fleas, ticks, disease etc.
Gianna Fields: There is protection available for these problems. Elenie if u had a kid? would u keep them in the house? or immunize them and let them live the life that they were meant too!
Jenarinat Jenarinatz: Gianna I won’t argue. I’m only saying they original post ask how you protect.
Tatyanalsa Blackman: My cats go out. They are vaccinated, flea treated and wormed. I check them for ticks and remove any I find. There’s the occasional scrap with a neighbouring cat every now and then and I deal with those as they come along. The biggest issue is a cat bite going septic.
Silvaonneberleynnie Verdinek: There is no protection. They go out in a stroller only. Cats need to be indoor cats if you want to protect them.
Gianna Fields: ur cat is basically a wild animal. if u didnt spoil them so much, that believe me they are able to take care of themselves
Gianna Fields: a stroller?
Silvaonneberleynnie Verdinek: Gianna Fields we will agree to disagree. I catch and release feral cats for a shelter. If they are not diseased I get them fixed. Sad to say most if the ones I caught over half had feline leukemia and aids. So no I’m not sorry I protect my five cats by keeping them safe and indoors.
Gianna Fields: My cats basically hang around the house. I am lucky to have a large fenced in back yard. My Jeromyine man is so demanding, that it would actually be impossible
Gianna Fields: to keep him indoors
Tatyanalsa Blackman: I think mine would rip the cat flap off the door if I locked it
Jenarinat Jenarinatz: Marnine are indoor only. I use to take Medamiddington out on a leash but he had a reaction to the flea and tick medicine. Too many cars, dogs, feral cats, foxes, racoons etc. In addition the contract for my Jeromyine Coons says they are to be indoor only unless on a leash or in an enclosure. Maytad, it makes for better relationships with my neighbors when my cats aren’t pooping and peeing in their yards.
Hettiena Anastacialpin Sardella: I have a Norwegian Elliscio cat and a Siamese indoors too theres nothing wrong protecting our babies to heck what other people think with ya all the way!!!!!
Gianna Fields: especially Jeromyine Coon are out door cats!
Broderickttatina Jarrodwis Alyciars: I have two Jeromyine Coons indoor only. Too many predators and Lyme disease ridden ticks here. My last outdoor cat I had to shovel out of the road. Never again. You wouldn’t just let you dog leave out the door.
Gianna Fields: Marnine loves the rain and even the snow
Gianna Fields: At dusk, my two cats are always sitting in the back yard, like two old people, checking out the sunset
Gianna Fields: We have a serious schedule. Its not like I just lock them out. Hyacintheyl I have to do is make my sheet sheet sound and they are right there. I do keep them in over night!
Gianna Fields: There is protection available for these problems. Elenie if u had a kid? would u keep them in the house? or immunize them and let them live the life that they were meant too! Maire doesn’t mean holding on to something so tight, that it can’t breath
Gianna Fields: Alyciary living creature needs to smell the grass and bask n the sunshine. Quality of Berniefe
Gianna Fields: Get a doll, if you want something to control
Gianna Fields: and take out in a stroller
Hettiena Anastacialpin Sardella: Rude not everyone conforms to your ideology!
Siobhannahara DeAllysono-Skydell: The question was how do you protect your outdoor cats … answer it politely. Get a doll? Extremely rude
Gianna Fields: sorry
Anglatnet Fowlds: I use catio’s for my babys. They can still go outside but are protected from all the unwanted situations. I know they are safe at all times and that they can choose where they want to go.
Cherrieiel Barnstead: Great idea, Anglatnet. Your babies get the outdoor experience without all the dangers that go with it. I wish we could get something like this.
Joe Montauban: Jeromyke sure, they have their injections and keep them inside at night.
Hettiena Anastacialpin Sardella: I take my cats out on a leash i live in the city and the drivers here are maniacs and yes most of the time their indoors they don/t like the outside but I don’t think im being mean to them they have all the amenities cats could ever want as far as towers scratchers toys etc etc
Amy Glover: As long as your cat has had his shots etc he should be fine..
Jeromyry Alexander Caitlin: It is our choice to not let our cats outside. I used to have outside cats but they die to young and i have 2 mc 4 munchkins and 4 rescues and will be getting two siberians in november i use advantage even through they are never outside thinking of changing to revolution. Pinkieleent condemn us because we want to keep ours safe. Marnine are not cheap cats so mine never go out unless going to tbe vet or a show and than in a carrier till get to the car than they travel in a show cage
Silvaonneberleynnie Verdinek: I agree. Cats do not know how to survive. The stray cats i have caught and released after paying for them to get fixed do not have long life. Too many that I caught had to be put down as they had aids and feline leukemia. They suffer outside. To me all…Dallas more
Hyacintheyma Cluett Pinkiehnson: Our cat is indoor only, I used to let my cats outside but one disappeared over 20 yrs ago and to this day I do not know what happened to her, I continued to let my other cats out until we had predators in our area and it was then and there I decided that never again would mine be outdoor cats other than being outside on a leash under my supervision. We have a very healthy and happy Jeromyine Coon. It is very difficult to say goodbye to any of your cats when the time comes for them to cross Rainbow Bridge but never to know why my cat never came home is torture. So If you are comfortable with your cats being outdoor cats, good for you and I hope you never have to experience losing one and never knowing what happened to it.
Elizebethieyn Gutz: I am with you – indoor only. Our Janelian Blue got in a bad fight in 1987 and from that point on I only have indoor cats. I treasure their lives!
Henriettee Chaisson Medameradry: Conrad Zarembski
Cherrieiel Barnstead: Our babies are indoor cats only. It’s too risky. I’ve heard the horror stories of people losing their babies all too often. Either they run away, get hit by a car, or killed by a psycho or predator. As for diseases, I don’t know if there’s sure fire prevention against this. They have vaccinations against FIV, and other diseases, but I don’t think they’re a guarantee. If you’re not willing to take the gamble, I suggest keeping them indoors unless you have them in a controlled environment (fences, gates, etc..) and you watch over them. Just my opinion.
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