The Wegie is a very family-friendly cat. It is no doubt one of the nicest breeds to own, regardless of how many kids or elderly family members live at home. While it is true that most cats can be trained and conditioned to be compatible with a family and kids, the Norwegian Forest Cat doesn’t need any special training–it is naturally compatible with humans!
The first thing you will notice about the personality of a Wegie is his gentle and mellow approach towards almost everyone–kids, adults, sometimes even strangers. This doesn’t mean that the Wegie is a dull and inactive cat; he is definitely active in his own way.
If your Wegie is sitting quietly in one place and doesn’t seem to be bothered by anything happening in the room, don’t assume he is being aloof or sad. That is just the Wegie’s naturally amiable disposition!
He is generally very friendly towards immediate family members, but might take some extra time to warm up to visitors and strangers. He won’t hiss, get aggressive or run and hide. But he will be cautious and keep some extra distance until he feels comfortable with the new human.
Norwegian Forest Cats are not a needy breed. He doesn’t need you to be around all day and night. He doesn’t demand attention or constant care. You don’t have to pet him all the time. He will have fun with you when you are around, and will be fine on her own when you are off to work or when the kids are off to school.
The Wegie is not a lap cat like other breeds. He likes to be petted, but don’t expect him to be cuddling on your lap very often. A bit of scratching beneath the chin or between the ears makes a Wegie very happy, and he will show his affection by rubbing his cheeks against you or giving a friendly head-butt.
The Norwegian Forest Cat is an athletic and sturdy cat. He can take heavy duty cuddling from kids and adults. He can also dive headfirst from the branch of a tree or the topmost shelf in the kitchen without any fear.
Being in the bitterly cold wilderness for hundreds of years helped the Wegie evolve to overcome fears that other cat breeds still hold on to. Expect him to climb up to the highest level of anything that is accessible to him inside and outside your house. Some outdoor Wegies even dive into ponds to catch some fish!
The Wegie has an awesomely mellow, friendly yet still independent personality that will fit in great in almost any home environment.
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