This may be a stupid question, but what kind of kitty litter would you recommend? My fur baby is constantly getting it stuck in his fur, he is only 9 months old? Thanks
Esther Sanchez: Tidy cat unscented.
Waylon Kennedy: I use chicken feed, crumbles for kittens, pellets for adults, works great and isn’t toxic if they eat it, plus pellets don’t track barely at all!- I forgot to say its the same as using worlds best litter but cheaper.
Everly Mccormick: This reminds me: A breeder once told me she uses Purina duckling feed. I was given a sample to try. It did clump like regular litter. I opted not to use it due to being uncertain what was in the feed. It looked like World’s Best Cat Litter, was a l-o-t cheaper, but only available to people who have a place that sells farm animal food nearby–and Purina, at that.
Waylon Kennedy: Oh, for us with the chicken pellets its been clumping and my friend said the chicken crumbles do too, I’m not sure if the duck is different…
Waylon Kennedy: Ours says the ingredients on the bag.
Everly Mccormick: The Purina duckling feed had the ingredients, too. As I mentioned earlier, though, I really was not so sure if I wanted Ricky consuming those ingredients (when cleaning paws), many of which I had zero familiarity. With World’s Best Cat Litter I knew what he would be getting –100% human grade corn.
Waylon Kennedy: when i used worlds best the pee would splash off of it and my cat would get soaked in his pee lol
Silas Green: catsan for charlie and sisters
Isaiah Walker: I use this too ? xxx
Nathaniel Saunders: We use Arm & Hammer Double Duty Clumping Litter. Our NFC Bella doesn’t have any problems with it. A friendly tip, just make sure that the litter box itself is large enough so your boy has “winging” room to do his business. <3 Paislee Richardson: We get wood chip pellets, only need a handful scattered across the tray, doesn’t get caught in furry paws too bad and can be flushed down the loo! I’m in the UK, not sure if you have similar in USA. 🙂
Waylon Kennedy: We have wood pellets or pine pellets for horses here in Us 🙂
Paislee Richardson: After years of using a wide selection of grotty, awkward litters it so great to have wood pellets, such a joy to use and not too heavy to get two bags and walk home with!
Theodore Patterson: I use one that is made of crushed walnut shells…it is clumping so chemicals and does not stick to fur or paws…works great
Waylon Kennedy: I love that litter but I stopped using it because it would get a brown dust all over my cats and all over the house, the one by blue buffalo. Wish it didn’t do that because it worked and smelled great.
Theodore Patterson: That’s the one I use, but have not seen that problem. …interesting
Waylon Kennedy: are your cats white at all?
Theodore Patterson: They have some white splotches, but mostly brown,gray mix..probably the reason I have not noticed it.
Theodore Patterson: Oops mentioned to say No chemicals. Clay is the worst…not good for cats and heavy to carry.
Holden Fletcher: I like scoop away.
Everly Mccormick: Ricky is allergic to silica based litter. He was a little guy, around 1, when I noticed his lower tummy, including the rear area that touches litter when he, ‘goes,’ was literally going bald! It took quite a while, going from one vet to another, until his allergy was discovered. Skipping a lot of the story, an all natural litter was finally suggested as a test. Anything with a smell was out for me. Despite the obnoxious name, I decided to try World’s Best Cat Litter because the bag read it was from 100% human grade edible corn [okay if consumed licking paws].. From a description online, “The only natural litter made from whole kernel corn. Our patented formula harnesses the power of corn to offer outstanding odor control, easy clean up and it’s pet, people and planet friendly.” I flush it down the toilet, but have also put the clumps under mulch to fertilize shrubs. Ricky’s fur grew back. It is expensive compared to other litters, but all my real world friends and relatives now use it, too.
Theodore Patterson: That’s is a very good one. Used it for years…then chged to crushed walnut shells. Not for any good reason….
Everly Mccormick: Theodore Patterson: I am not going to switch, but the next time I am near a PetsMart I am going to go inside to see if they carry walnut shell litter, purely out of curiosity. I am sure there are more natural litter options available now; I just have not paid attention–my eyes scan for the WBCL colored bags and then I head for them.
Theodore Patterson: Yes they do at least in NH. I get it there often
Theodore Patterson: One of my boys looks like he cld be a brother to yours. Lol
Theodore Patterson: This is McTavish my oldest guy
Everly Mccormick: Theodore Patterson: You are right. They could pass as twins! Mine has a lot of white on his chest, too. If McTavish likes Doritos Nacho Cheese or any kind of cheese cracker, there is probably a genetic link (lol).
Theodore Patterson: Too funny, but he not fond of people food….distant cousins perhaps
Kaylee George: Try to trim the hair that gets things stuck to. As for litter, we used Arm&Hammer Super Scoop (scented, with green band on it) but it seems to be discontinued
Ashlyn Chambers: I use
Veronica Pittman: I like scoop away the best…
Adaline Wright: I know this will sound weird but I use rabbit pellets. the wood litter tends to break down to much in the litter tray, I use a double tray so all I have to do is scoop it and clean the bottom tray and top up when needed. they do not try to eat it, and it is chemical free.
Theodore Lawson: I want to Thank you all for the responses to my question, going to try some of your ideas. Thank you again☺
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