I have a question. How do you all keep your house clean with all the hair that your cat sheds ? I sweep and mop and wipe up hair all day everyday. It’s annoying.
Carly Johnston: Brush kitty daily to avoid loose hairs. Vino is getting brushed every evening and I dont have that problem
Eloise Newman: I brush her. And she sheds so bad. It flies everywhere. It gets stuck on the couch and the floor.
Carly Johnston: Have you tried bathing her?
Eloise Newman: No. She’s so big and she hates water. She bites and claws at us if we try to.
Carly Johnston: I dont have a remedy then for you. Vino is getting bathed every 3 weeks. He LOVES water.
Emery Greer: I have 12 cats so the brushing, sweeping, mopping and hoovering is never ending! ?
Eloise Newman: Well. If I could I would. I will try to brush her more. Thanks.
Caroline Peters: I feel your pain. The joys of having a NFC!! I’m in the same predicament and I have two!! I brush everyday even though they hate it, too bad. I try make it a plesent experience by bribing with treats. Works for my boy, my girl just looks at me as if to say ” I’m not that stupid” she sees the brush and she goes and hides. Never ending battle.
Savannah Fox: I brush him at least twice a day. Thankfully Olaf loves to be brushed and it cuts down on his shedding.
Eloise Newman: Tally hates to be brushed too. But she hates water worse. I get up every.morning and find hair everywhere. It’s irritating how much she gets on the rugs. I can’t get it off. I have to scrub and she then goes back to the rug and lays on it again as if to say haha. I know you cleaned it but I’m putting my hair on it again. She’s so funny. She walks on the floor after I mop it too. She gets her little paw prints all over my clean floor. And she just looks at me. I wonder what she’s thinking. ???
Joseph Garza: Sorry peeps. If you are so “annoyed, irritated, etc.” by your cat, shedding why do you own one?
Caroline Peters: I love my cats even though they shed. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t get irritating. Just like our hair comes out and I’m pulling it out of the shower thingie. It’s annoying but still love my family.
Eloise Newman: It is annoying when you’re Cleaning all the time. I don’t want to be one of those crazy cat ladies with twenty cats with hair and cat poop everywhere. I just need a solution to the hair problem.
Joseph Garza: Eloise Newman: Don’t have a cat!
Eloise Newman: Please be nice.
Andre Hughes: Joseph Garza: I think what Eloise Newman: is looking for is a way to either remove the hair more efficiently or cut down on the amount or make it easier to clean with her cat…there’s no need to be blatantly abrasive to someone looking for help!
Savannah Fox: I don’t like cleaning up after kids or animals but I still do it because I love them. Who knew there could be salty people in a cat group.
Carly Johnston: I just want him groomed and live in a neat hygienic environment.
Leilani Stephens: U think u have a problem meet Portia!!!Pet hair is an extra special food ingredient in my house??
Parker Conner: On hands n Knees with the hoover lol..never ending
Caroline Peters: But yet we do it because we love them….lol.
Eloise Newman: Yep. We do. I love my girl. She’s so sweet.
Caroline Peters: She is gorgeous. Beautiful. Meet my little girl. Packets and boxes are her thing. Her hair is different to her brother. Silky soft. She sheds differently to him. He had more of a pelt. If you know what I mean.
Caroline Peters::
Eloise Newman: He’s so big. And Fluffy. He is a pretty. Cat. ??
Eloise Newman: He’s so big. And Fluffy. He is a pretty. Cat. ??
Caroline Peters: He is huge. 6.4kg and will be two in February. He is such a gentle giant.
Millie Wade: Comb your cat everyday!
Taylor Harper: Long haired cats are going to have hair everywhere. It’s just a part of life. I have two birmans a Persian cross NFC and a dsh so I have hair everywhere but it doesn’t particularly bother me it’s just what comes with having cats. I’m saving up to buy a good dyson stick vacuum so it’s easier to do a quick vacuum rather than digging out my heavy sauber vacuum
Savannah Fox: I keep a lint brush in every room for that very reason. We have cats and dogs, hair happens ๐
Leilani Stephens: I’ve got a Gtech for that reason!! Xx
Taylor Harper: I have a mobile vacuum but I don’t use it anymore as it kept getting stuck on everything ??? and it freaks out the two new cats
Leilani Stephens: Yeah only my Maine Coon isn’t scared of the vac, the other 3 r wimps!! Xx
Taylor Harper: Maria Hereward my daughters cat liked hers and chased it and got his tail caught in it. It was awful as it was wound up in it
Leilani Stephens: Lee?oh bless him…..probably best mine don’t like it….is he ok now? Xx
Taylor Harper: Maria Hereward yeah he was fine my daughter said it was so hard to get his tail out and he was biting and scratching poor boy but he still kept going near it so she sold it
Leilani Stephens: Lee oh phew!! Glad he was, yeah don’t blame her xx
Caroline Peters: I reckon Dyson is the best. But you must remember to clean filter and head regularly because of the cat fur.
Karen Lane: Join the club, I have four and three dogs. Two of which are GSD, s the worst moulders in the world. I Hoover twice a day, have given up on carpet, and still It’s like tumbleweed. The only way to get rid of it is to get bald cats and dogs…..
Taylor Harper: lol you have a German shedder ??? I have one also. They make cat hair look non existent ??. I’ve never seen so much hair everywhere until I got a GSD. Luckily she’s an outside dog (got her as a 4 year old and would eat my cats if inside)
Karen Lane: Dyson do a pet grooming brush, fits my Miele, but has an adapted for others, sucks all the hair straight in, great little tool, about ยฃ35 on Amazon, one dog loves it, the other two hate it. Daren’t even show it to the mogs!
Kathryn Quinn: Even though I groom both of mine, the quantity of shed hair still means I have to take the vacuum cleaner apart to unblock it every time I use it!
Karen Lane: I blow up about one a year…..
Jade Hardy: i have always had cats. i don’t even see it anymore ๐ if ppl know you they must know a cat is in charge of the house and expect to take home a little cat fur.
Victor Delgado: I have used a damp paper towel to rub them, then brush, seems to keep the fly-always down. When he would jump down you would see a cloud of hair float up, better since wiping with damp towel
Eva Jackson: Frankie gets groomed every 11 weeks. Dyson vacuum 2x a week
Carmen Houston: When I brush him daily there is very little hair to clean up and less hairballs too. If I don’t brush daily I notice all the hair everywhere and fast. Try with the brushing and if she hates that she will get used to it if you persist and be gentle and make sessions not very long at a time.
Talia Myers: Long haired cats are always going to shed hair no matter how much you comb them or bath them! I have 4 cats (2 norwegian, 2 maine coon) and another to arrive after christmas, all bathed and combed regularly for shows ….Makes no difference to the hair on the house. I just clean it and accept it, because my love for my cats means I don’t care that I clean a lot! I have children and cats and a clean home. You just deal with it, if it annoys you so much, perhaps you should give her to a home that doesn’t mind some cat hair? My rug looks like it’s growing it’s own cat some days, and carpet on the stairs too …. but I just vacuum them. If I have to do it 3 times in a day I will, because, well …. cats!!
Kylie Lawson: I don’t know if you’ve all seen this, but thought you might enjoy this creative use of extra cat hair ๐ Facebook.com
Cat fur hats
VT AardvarkLike Page
15 December 2016 ยท
What to do with all the cat fur around the house!
Brayden Taylor: We have 20 cats and 4 dogs – at any given en time there are at least 8-10 cats inside and at least one dog. It’s life. We sweep every day anyway. Also our 3 shorthairs shed fat more than the NFCs and our two Maine Coons!
Taylor Harper: Holey 20 cats. My husband thinks I’m crazy for having 5 cats and 3 dogs ????
Brayden Taylor: Taylor Harper: we are actually breeders – and we don’t rehome our retired girls so soon we will have to stop ๐
Brayden Taylor: And two of the dogs are rescue dogs but I’m banned from more lol
Taylor Harper: Brayden Taylor: lol my New Years resolution is no more pets ?? I volunteer at our local rspca cat shelter which is dangerous as I’ve taken home two new cats. But nooooo more
Brayden Taylor: ??good luck
Taylor Harper: Brayden Taylor: this is my latest rescue. He was surrendered to the pound and we got him at the rspca and I knew as soon as I saw him he was NFC which was going to be my next cat. He wasn’t microchipped so no idea of his age or that he is def a NFC but I’ve sent his photo to a few breeders and they said yes NFC.
Taylor Harper: He’s beautiful
Brayden Taylor: He’s lovely xx
Jane Goodwin: What brush do you all use??
Lorenzo Martinez: I have 7 cats and i swear by the cordless dyson. Fab hoover and picks up all the hair. Only downside is running time which isnt long enough.
Kathryn Quinn: I have a cordless Dyson too, but find it blocks terribly easily with cat hair – need to take scissors to the brush-head every time I use it, but still easier than hauling the heavy plug-in Dyson around. Anyone who objects to a bit of cat-hair needn’t come to my house anyway! ๐
Lorenzo Martinez: Yip i clean mine every time i use it. And totally agree. I love a bit of cat glitter, thats what i call it lol.
Juliette Gordon: Thank the Lord for hard wood flooring! Floaty fur clears in seconds!
Eloise Newman: Mine does t. It sticks to it. I have to get on my hands and knees and wipe it up.
River Cannon: Or just give in a little and try to find carpet to match your cat?
Kelsey Morris: I have a lint brush by my couch & my bed & use it through out the day on furniture & blankets. My husband likes to give her what he calls her daily “ruffin”, which she absolutely loves! He rubs her briskly up & down & all over, he’s got rough man hands so it pulls so much hair off her & then I follow up with the lint brush where ever this takes place. ๐ And of course brush her every day.
Kelsey Morris: I am a bird lover…so I take the fur I collect and put it in a suet cage for nesting material in spring.
Eden Gomez: My NFC doesn’t actually moult that much except when shedding winter coat, and then we comb everyday so less around the house
Just was browsing NFC sites and came across this Cat Room. Boy, can I relate to alot of what everyone is talking about …hair! I have hardwood floors and those “tumbleweeds” just a go floating across the floor and you can see me chasing them! I love my “Baby” as someone dumped her in our parking lot and already had 3 cats but….yeah, she’s another rescue I have. She’s kind of a indoor/outdoor cat but at night, she wants to go out. Her and her brother, a DSH named “Sweetheart” come back when I go and call them. All of my cats have done that…I have no idea how they do that but it makes me look smart! Going to save this room for daily laughs!