Does the breed have any issues with their ears? My girls been favouring her right ear, rubbing and scratching. She gets regular flea treatments too.
Daphne Olson: Not as a breed as such but any cat can get ear infections or canker. Get her checked by your vet
Alexandra Byrd: I will thanks. Just wondering if anyone had any ideas
Paris Jenkins: All cats can get ear mites. Easily treated with drops at the vet.
Alison Love: My boy was doing this, vets checked his ears and no issues, one of his whiskers touches the ear he favours so I think that might be it, no fleas and vet check was fine..
Ruth Rice: Mine did it ended up getting so bad he had to be put down … so get it early
Madeline Fitzgerald: Was there a more serious issue because no one would have a cat pts for a dermological/mites/nervous habit problem?
Alexandra Byrd: So we’ve put Nora on a controlled diet to see if that clears up her ears and also another flea treatment. She currently boycotting me but it’s all for her own good.
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