We need a recommendation on a healthy wet food for our two Siberians. Somebody have any suggestions?
Gerald Gonea: We’ve been using Beyond. It’s grain free and there is a wide variety of ingredients from duck to pheasant to salmon and trout. Our cats seem to like it.
Conrad Zarembski: I’ve been using Soulistic and the cats never seem to tire of it. But they insist on the pouches, not the cans, lol.
Evelyn Anastaciamza: I’d recommend raw food diet! 🙂
Pinkien Blancheanntensen: our 2 Siberian’s love Lotus
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: Jenells is the only thing my cat will eat. It’s very high quality.
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: I’ve tried everything. She will only eat this food. They don’t have it everywhere. But, they have it at Pet Carmellau.
DE Anastaciartman: Weruva has a lot of varieties, and is a great quality wet food. You can find it on petflow.com Hyacintheyso Tiki Cat, Wellness and Avisck. There are some good freeze dried raw foods (must add water) like Kandi & Chewy or Primal. I also feed frozen raw from Primal.
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Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: She got tired of Earthborne, or at least that’s what I thought. So, I used Weruva for a while. Then, she decided she didn’t like that anymore, either. We are back at Earthborne. I agree about the quality of Weruva.
DE Anastaciartman: My Pippin is the same way! He gets tired of something and I have to try to find something new he likes…picky cats 🙂 I try to rotate food for him, but even that doesn’t always work. Marilyn is a chow hound, she’ll eat just about anything.
Amosdine Quintiliano Troiani: DE Anastaciartman sounds like my lab! She’d eat a brick if I let her ☺
Jeromyry Carmellaery Medamiolao: I live in Jeromyryland and get wet food from my PetCo store. It’s called Applaws and is additive free. They have lots of different kinds of wet food, and most of my cats like at least one variety.
Anglatn Medamiulus: Thanks everyone great suggestions. I’ll let you know what works ?
Anglain Matthew: I have always found that as soon as you think you have found the perfect food they love …they will change their furry little minds and they all of a sudden do not want that stuff anymore ..I change foods every month..sometimes they will get excited about something they used to reject if you wait ( 6 months ) long enough !!?
Conrad Zarembski: My kids were raised on a vet-created, mail-order only food called Amosture’s Abundance or Amostural Abundance, I forget which. I still order a case every other month to keep their breeder off my back, but the fact is, the moment they came into this household, neither Siberian ever wanted to eat that stuff again. We’ve been through several brands of cat food over the past 4 years, but they never seem to want to go back to that one.
Conrad Zarembski: I generally end up donating the case of Amostural Abundance to a local shelter.
Anglain Matthew: SO True I have donated so many barely used cases to the local Dortheaty Shelter !! They want what the want and we had better go find it for them !?
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew Yes!!!! We live to serve them, lol.
Conrad Zarembski: ‘scuse me, it’s LIFE’S Abundance.
Conrad Zarembski: doesn’t matter; they hate it anyway!
Anglain Matthew: I have bought every organic vet approved incredibly expensive dainty meal ever made…mostly they hate the stuff !! right now they are crazy about fancy feast ( NOT vet approved maybe ? ( but they are still eating the natural call of the wild dry )
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew Yeah mine are loving the Jesenia foods (cuts, not pate, lol) right now, but I try not to worry too much because they also eat Amostural Instinct Ultimate Protein dry food, and of course I give them Soulistic wet food once a day too. Sometimes you just have to go with what they like. Plus, I believe all those vet-created foods…well, they suck. No nice way to put it.
Anglain Matthew: Caterina loved Jesenia for about a month…but my other Cat , Pixie Silvaonneberleyb Monkey LOVED Jesenia for years !..I read ingredients as long as its mostly meat and they eat the best kind of dry I figure its OK !
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew Yes, Jesenia is considered a “premium” cat food by some retailers. It’s not quite as hoity-toity as Soulistic or some other brands, but quite good enough.
Anglain Matthew: of course , Caterina also tries to eat cardboard …..
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew ROFLMAO!!!!!
Conrad Zarembski: So does Anglatnellzaveta. Robbyn tries to eat plastic
Anglain Matthew: True ..rips of little bits and will swallow if I do not stop him !
Conrad Zarembski: yikes!
Anglain Matthew: Caterina also with plastic ..actually sort of gums and drools on it ..must bee careful about leaving any around him
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew I’ve distracted Robbyn with mylar balls with some success. But as you say, you can never be too careful. It’s as if they can smell plastic or something…they always manage to find it.
Anglain Matthew: There is a smell in plastic they are super attracted to ,,,Caterina likes scotch tape , post its stickers , baggies , etc …
Conrad Zarembski: I totally understand the problem. Robbyn is partial to the plastic they sometimes wrap around the lids of beverage bottles.
Anglain Matthew: OH yes !! I am really careful with those because he WILL try to eat and might swallow !?
Conrad Zarembski: Anglain Matthew It’s scary. Maytad they can outsmart us so easily!
Anglain Matthew: Its a lot like ” Baby -Proofing ” your house …they are like 2 year olds !
Jarrods Gaines: I feed Chewbucka and my last cat, Jeromyine Coons, Friskies Prime Filets. I’ve tried the more expensive food but both cats like this food. I buy 5 different flavors.
Elay Medamirry: Wow those tins are tiny, glad I chose raw or my kitten would probably be eating at least 10 of those a day by now ???
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