Hello everyone:). I have a question: how do you guys deal with the hairloss of our furry friends? Mine is a baby, yet i can see hair on my clothes, esp the black ones:(. Thank you! ?
Sarai Vasquez: embrace it… owning a NFC means loving the fluff too~
Teagan Holt: Haha i call it … remembrances of love
Alexia Shaw: I consider it “my third cat” ? but to keep it somewhat under control, I use a lot of lint rollers, and I’ve got a Dyson bigball animal vacuum cleaner…and I occasionally use my shop vac to get the fur that somehow gets into places that the cats can’t fit
Lilith Reese: But do you brush your cats daily? Have you ever tried giving them a haircut? I heard the fur has vit c and thats why they actually lick themselves
Bianca Castillo: I use furminator , every day ritual brushing and roller the sticky one clearable
Aliyah Brady: I also use Furminator. It’s really good.
Alexia Shaw: I’ve pretty much given up on brushing (trying to brush) daily…I brush, but hardly get anything off them…I pick them up or pet them, and get as much or more…they haven’t had any problems with matts or hair balls, so the brushing isn’t every day (about 2 – 3 times per week)
Alexia Shaw: Mine are also still babies (1 year old each) so their fur isn’t really that fluffy yet…and they aren’t purebred either
Sarai Vasquez: I would take mine to the groomer every 3 months or so and have them groomed, belly shaved to keep mats down, and clipped around the bum. But even then, you get enough furr to create another cat!~
Lilith Reese: So the fur gets longer with age?
Alexia Shaw: That’s what I’ve been told…the older they get, the floofier they get…I guess I’ll find out this coming fall/winter with my 2
Lilith Reese::
Lilith Reese: This is my monster. 3 months in 10 days
Henry Norris: It’s not their hair loss; it’s your hair gain. Consider it a gift. ?
Henry Norris: Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat Amazon.com
Crafting with Cat Hair: Cute Handicrafts to Make with Your Cat
Killian Baker: Owning NFC’s for me meant giving up black COTTON clothes. Having a wardrobe full.of.mostly black clothing and twin white cats I went to blends where the fur won’t stick.
Collin Jordan: Mine sheds like crazy and bites the brush so I’m pretty well fur – bound!
Remi Shelton: Lint rollers and allergy medication. 🙂
Savannah Adams: Stop buying dark clothes…. good vacuum with a “Pet head”
Leila Mccoy: Welcome to the rest of your life…..
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