Can ask what everyone recommends feeding a kitten? Huggy is on whiskas atm, and was fine but not sure if his poorly tum is a result of giving him felix as good as it looks kitten, I know some of them can have more wheat in & may upset tums?
Waylon Conner: I feed dry food from Sanabelle, high quality en not so expensive as Royal Canin
Myra Casey: he’s not eating dry at the moment, I put it out but he just scoffs down the wet food, which I don’t mind there is plenty of water in it.x
Waylon Conner: He should be able to eat dry, wet food they get as a extra, use Felix.
August Nelson: Can fancy feast and Sheba and Purina kitten chow. Mine are perfectly healthy.
Myra Casey: gonna rule out an infection or something with a sample to the vet, then try him on some royal canin to start I think, I have a voucher for dry food. If he doesn’t like it, Shadow will eat it.x
August Nelson: My cats hate all that royal canon, isms, proplan, all of it. Can food is the best because it has a lot of water in it for digestion, bowels, intestines, urinary tract.
Bianca Stevenson::
Myra Casey: thanks, found the whole article, got some reading to do now lol
Bianca Stevenson::
Bianca Stevenson: Dont buy regular cat food from nearest deli,its like a fast food Its better cook chicken plus veggieNever give her a grains!
August Nelson: No grains!!!! Dangerous stuff!
Myra Casey: seems the consensus, no grain it is then.x
Hazel Blake: Natural raw but balanced. He loves it. Have changed the dog too. Have read a great deal about this and defo seems the best. Not messy either as you’d think. Lots of companies make it easy these days. I’ve seen a marked improvement with my little dog already.
Sawyer Keller: So sweet
Mia Norton: Royal canin kitten
Gracelyn Norman: My boy has a very sensitive tummy so we use Royal canin dry that I leave out for him to nibble on and nutro wet for dinner. When Huggy gets to be a big guy they have a specific formula for main coon cats we like. He’s a NFC but they are so similar…
Daleyza Chavez: You may already know this but they now do a Norwegian one, I get mine from zooplus as only see the Maine coon in the shops.
Gracelyn Norman: Ohhhh!!! Good to know! I’ll look for it as soon as we are out of this bag!
Daleyza Chavez: Our boy loves it.
Hazel Blake: That’s what Olaf is currently on but I’m weaning him off, although I think I’ll use it for little treats. My Poodle LOVES it!! Lol
Hazel Blake: I put it around the house in hiding places so he gets to ‘hunt’!
Liam Fisher: I use Royal Canin kitten wet food then she has Accana pellets ( grain free) on tap when she wants and then at night raw Ox heart. She is very healthy and no runny tums here. I’ve got a mixed house old of aged cats so pellets are for kitten and adults because trying to keep the other two out of her food is really difficult.
August Nelson: Good healthy eating there!!!! I guess if you start a kitten asap kn royal canon then they will like it. I tried mine at 2 yrs old. She thought i was nuts!
June Page: I wanted to feed dry but the vet freaked and said no as boys have a tendency for crystals in their tract so we have Felix as good as it looks in the morning, dry down through the day then half a pouch at night.
Liam Fisher: My vet doesn’t like it when we give wet food they promote pellets only because of teeth issues pellets only give less problems with teeth she told me.
June Page: I know I would have preferred dry only as he is only 4 and already has a little tartar on his teeth, my old lady who sadly went over the bridge recently had dry for 16 years and had fantastic teeth. It was only when she was diagnosed with kidney failure we had to feed wet and 3 months in she had 2 teeth out
Liam Fisher: Yeah my 23 year old who died two years ago also of kidney failure died with perfect teeth never had bad teeth in her life. My senior citizen of 11 is now is on dental pellets because we’ve already started with teeth problems has never had wet food in her life she hates it but yet has teeth problems so weird they all different.
August Nelson: That’s true!
Myra Casey: Shadow my DSH eats king prawns twice a day, cat biscuits out all the time. cost me a bloody fortune lol
Hazel Blake: Sainsbury’s finest?
Hazel Blake: Or is it ‘Taste the Difference’ can’t remember which is which!!
Bianca Stevenson: And what else ,you need to change a food and flavours after one week
June Page: cats only recognise protein or no protein apparently, flavour is for us to feel better! He was Royal Cannin House
June Page: Cat for long hair and all flavours of wet
Hazel Blake: I’ve fed our show Pyrenean Mountain Dogs Royal Canin for around 15 yrs, so not against the brand, but if I had the space for several freezers and the time to mix everyday I’d change them over to raw too! Lol
Emilia Dean: IAMS kitten dry food is excellent , I have two norwegian forest cats bought up on it
Riley Bell: In the past, we always gave our kittens Purina Kitten Chow until they were 1 yr old; and never had a problem. Than, IAMS Indoor Weight/Hairball Control Formula.
Joy Lucas: NO GRAIN….Read the labels
Nash Gomez: Royal Canin.
Collin Glover: Royal canin
Joy Lucas: Read the ingredients in Royal Canin, not good
Hazel Blake: Yes. Like a lot of the dry foods. I think a lot of breeders start their kittens on this as the company offers a great starter pack for new owners (which I’m not criticising we do the same with them and our puppies) and they have an excellent marketing …See more
Joel Butler: Snap felix as good as it looks. Whiskers gives him the slops. And purina dried food or iams
Omar Bryan::
Omar Bryan: I find Royal canin food the best do not keep changing their food just put them on a dry diet and don’t feed anything else.it can take a few weeks to settle the stomachs do not feed felix wet food always give cats the runs ihave proved this time and time again a breeder told me how to feed like this years ago ihave never gone back to my old ways of feeding I have kept pedigree cats for 40 yrs Janice
Joel Butler: I beg to differ on this. Mr clarke has had felix now since decemeber when we had him, not once has he has runs. Had some free samples once whiskers he ate them and had the slops.
Omar Bryan: Fraser smith there are some cats that can eat anything I have 4cats that can I also have a few that can’t what’s good for your cat might not be good for someone else’s cat this has to be tried and tested by other cats if you’re cat can then it’s ok I have just tried to help this woman vets don’t help much cost money to what avail
Joel Butler: Think you may of read this as being slight arsy and argumentative which is wasnt at all. Was just simple saying thats all. Agreed our old cat would eat anything from and i mean anything curry to any type of cat food.
Myra Casey: thanks everyone for the input, I’m gonna try him on fresh cooked chicken breast & fish, with the royal canin wheat free biscuits for a change. I will keep you updated on his bum progress lol he’s had a normalish poop today lol TMI
Joy Lucas: Great idea! Anything grain free
Myra Casey: Joy Lucas: well I can tailor my diet around the cat, we can have chicken when he fancies chicken lol
Omar Bryan: Kathleen farm feeding chicken and fish ok for awhile but what about long term nutrition mixing foods not good idea only trying to help I have 40 yrs this I know what helps now but your cat might be wheat intolerant good luck Jan
Hazel Blake: Ive read its crucial for a cat to have taurine in its diet, just check he has some somewhere!
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