I groom Charlie every day or every other day when I can and it still gets everywhere! I’m hoovering daily and it still ends up all over me. How can one cat loose so much hair?! ? How do you cope with excessive cat hair?
Alex Robbins: I saw the same with our Charlie , at autumn time , his fur became ready for winter , thicker, denser … we brush him each day , it’s necessary , I think in each season , some changes are coming with the fur ….all cats lose hair to make a new one …. but are you sure he’s in good heath ? having good food ? may be you can make a blood test to be sure ….Norwegians are special cats , we feed him with Royal Canin for Norwegians adapted for them and often white of chicken … is your Charlie young or old ?
Kara Clarke: I have the same problem with my Bonnie. No matter how much I groom her there is still cat hair everywhere. I hope someone will tell us the secret.
Silas Bush: I’ve learned to live with it. I come home to tufts of hair on the floor.
Bradley Perez: As barb says you learn to live with it I’m constantly going to work covered in their hair lol and get home everyday to tumble weeds around my house no matter how much I groom them X
Jaxson Newton: I was hoping for a miracle answer lol! I took my work jacket out the cupboard, hung it on the back of a chair, 15 mins later there is hair on it! ?
Sarai Mcdonald: I’m afraid it’s status quo. I learned to live with her hairy trail around the house, fighting it, battling it, cleaning it but loving her no less ?
Kevin Bryant: I was told to get a furminator (I’m in the UK). It scares me a little because of the huge tufts that come out, but it does the job pretty well.
Esmeralda Tate: NO DON”T GET FURMINATOR! It shreds & rips & ruins long-haired cat’s fur. (trust me from experience!) If you hate hair on your clothing, maybe you should have passed on getting a long-hair cat? Buy sticky rollers & keep them handy in every room. Or, i…See more
Kara Clarke: I don’t think any of us don’t love our babies. If there was anything to keep the amount of hair down it would be great, we all live with the cat hair and having our furry friends cuddle up to us at night makes up for it all.
Jaxson Newton: I didn’t once say I didn’t love my Charlie, I was purely asking for advice in a FRIENDLY forum. I adopted him as his previous owners left him behind on purpose when they moved homes. I’ve spent a fortune on vet bills to help him get better which I woul…See more
Kara Clarke: Helen, my Bonnie is a rescue too. I got her almost a year ago and this is her 3rd and final home. Bonnie has a heart murmur so has meds every day. I don’t change for work until the last minute or I’m covered in cat hair and I wear black for work. Well in fact I’m still covered in hair when I leave lol. Like you I wouldn’t be without my princess
Thomas Fletcher: My boy sheds more than he wears.I bought a furminator it ruined his coat. I use a greyhound steel comb .I have to groom him daily and he loves it
Jaxson Newton: What’s a furminator?!
Kara Clarke: It’s a very fine toothed comb which shreds out long hair . I bought one but Bonnie isn’t keen so I don’t use it much. Not sure it’s worth the money to be honest.
Delaney Austin: Think of the fur as kitty glitter. Never leave home without it. Lol. I just recently cleaned out the vac canister. I think I had another cat in there!! Lol
Elaina Curtis: You can also try rubber gloves to use while petting kitty – it’s great for getting old fur and I use rubber soled shoes for cleaning rugs/curtains too ? (just old slippers in my case) xxx
Cameron Parsons: In addition to combing Norway regularly, we have lint rollers stationed in various locations in our home. Also, I keep a lint roller in a cup holder in my car. Each evening, we do a little vacuuming with a rechargeable light-weight vacuum cleaner. It is definitely ALL worth it!
Jaxson Newton: Keeping one in the car is a good idea! I have one in my room but might invest in a couple more ? x
April Santos: I dont have that problem with my girl. I feed her royal canin norwegian cat food too and chicken….sometimes left over steak.
Baylee Powell: I hope I have this right. You can get amino acid supplements that cats in nature get from hunting and eating their kill. They say this helps with shedding . Mine would never eat their food after I applied the supplement. There might be better stuff out there now that taste better. Good luck but I hate to say this but I wear my fur with pride now.
April Santos: Can honestly say my other cat and the 2 dogs shed more than Poppy.
Daniela Holt: Shedding their winter coats.
Royalty Warren: Well. I have learned to just deal with it….grooming or not….there’s hair,hair hair…lol
Kaden Wright: Yep, molting. Wegies shed the least of all the long haired cats. But, with 2 cats & 1 being Wegie; I’m “furever” trying to keep up with cat fur! 😀
Adeline Robinson: My pet peeve is the long hair cat hair that sticks to my clothes. Then gets in your laundry. My solution is 3M lint rollers. Before I remove my clothes I use that. Then nothing in the laundry ?
Alexandra Gross: It’s all cats not just wedgies. My short hair sheds like crazy
Christian Stokes: Oh my gosh! Tell me about it I have cat hair in my eye lashes and up my nose I use one of those rubber type combs to clean off the rugs and cat trees The vacuum doesn’t cut it I buy lint rollers by the bundle and i use the furminator brush on Furrbee but the fur keeps coming Someone bought me a craft book for Xmas Its a craft book on how to make things from cat hair! I really dont mind though…..i love him so much
April Santos: I really dont have ANY fur lying around!!! And ive 4 pets. Beginning to wonder whats up
Kara Clarke: You are lucky Malcom. ?
April Santos: I know….specially with 4 pets going around. Mind i am in Scotland and its still freezing lol
Kara Clarke: I’m in Scotland too. Dumfries and Galloway. My short haired tabby used to cast but nothing like this wee madam I have now ??
April Santos: We are Fife. 🙂
Lilliana Clarke: I use a furminator, pull all the loose fur from underneath, then brush with a hair brush. The are furry but worth it.
Riley Wheeler: I have black and a white and both have totally different coats white has soft cotton wool type that is everywhere black has a coarse type and does not most as much as the White
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