For my dog I put eggs in his dry food a couple times a week is there something I can put in my cats?
Sebastian Rhodes: Organic pumpkin
Sebastian Rhodes: Chewy.com
Nummy Tum-Tum Pure Organic Pumpkin Canned Dog & Cat Food…
Kehlani Carr: Ty I just feel bad bc she can’t have wet food she throws up so every time I put something my dogs food she gives me the sad look
Sebastian Rhodes: Why can’t she have wet food? My cats cardiologist recommends all cats be on wet food since in the wild their diets are raw based not dry.
Sebastian Rhodes: They recommend the pumpkin since kitties don’t get enough water. It helps.
Kehlani Carr: She throws up every time
Sebastian Rhodes: Maybe it’s the type and how much given.
Kehlani Carr: Tried three different types and they aren’t as much as I give my cats
Sebastian Rhodes: Have you tried holistic select, weruva or tiki cat? Those are supposed to be the best according to my vet. The best other than raw special formulated local.
Kehlani Carr: This is actually my parents cat that I rescued I have two cats of my own Bobbi is her name she drinks a lot and eats non stop almost
Kehlani Carr: I have to look for them bc I havnt even heard of them
Sebastian Rhodes: Chewy.com is best for them
Dog and Cat Food, Treats, and Supplies | Free Shipping at…
Kehlani Carr: Ty I’ll look into it and talk to my mon
Sebastian Rhodes: Here’s a site I like to get cat info from. Littlebigcat.com
Why Cats Need Canned Food | Little Big Cat
Kehlani Carr: Can they have eggs ? For there coat like dogs
Sebastian Rhodes: It’s best they only get cooked eggs or its causes a biotin deficiency.
Emely Walton: Is your cat throwing up the soft food because of an intolerance to one or more ingredients, or because she’s wolfing it down to fast…you could try small amounts or those food dishes that are specifically designed to slow down very fast eating that can cause it to come back up
Kehlani Carr: i dont really know but once my mom stopped feeding her the wet food she stopped throwing up
Emely Walton: It might be an intolerance to one or more ingredients…try a few cans of a grain free or raw based, and smaller portions
Kehlani Carr: will talk to my mom about it since its tech her cat but i really want her to get her wet food
Adelynn Cross: Why? My cats eat NOTHING except Purina Cat Chow Complete. Both are healthy and push the 20# mark. And NO, they are not fat…..both have waist lines.
Emely Walton: I agree Adelynn Cross: no need to change things up if the cat is healthy…cats will always give that sad look to get what they want…raw based is closest to their natural diet, but if she’s healthy and happy on dry, and has been getting that for years, you could be inviting tummy truble by changing now
Kehlani Carr: Still going to try it we havnt had her a year and she’s around 7 the vet said I found her and a park skinny as can be and yes we beefed her up but still want her to get wet food 1 or 2 times a week like my cats
Zachary Jefferson: You could try making homemade chicken or fish stock (just with the carcasses and water, no additions or stock cubes) and give her some to drink or to pour over her dry food. I’ve had success with that with cats with digestive issues.
Cash Mccormick: When our Ginger Tabby got sick with Megacolon, we gave him Libby’s canned pumpkin and mixed it into his wet food. Just make sure it’s 100 percent pumpkin, NO spices. It acts as a mild laxative.
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