Wegie kittens are some of the most adorable in the world, even by kitten standards! We found the top 10 cutest Norwegian Forest Cat kitten videos for your viewing pleasure. Get ready to say “Awww!”
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All About Norwegian Forest Cats
Wegie kittens are some of the most adorable in the world, even by kitten standards! We found the top 10 cutest Norwegian Forest Cat kitten videos for your viewing pleasure. Get ready to say “Awww!”
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The Norwegian Forest Cat (Wegie) is very unique in many ways, but it does have significant similarities to other breeds (most notably the Maine Coon). These similarities can be confusing for those who are not expert cat fanciers or breeders. There are however subtle characteristics that, once learned, can help you to immediately identify a Wegie.
So you’ve decided you want a Wegie kitten. Great! But you need to make sure that you adopt or buy one from the right places–a shelter or an established reputable breeder.