I have a question. How do you all keep your house clean with all the hair that your cat sheds ? I sweep and mop and wipe up hair all day everyday. It’s annoying.
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All About Norwegian Forest Cats
I have a question. How do you all keep your house clean with all the hair that your cat sheds ? I sweep and mop and wipe up hair all day everyday. It’s annoying.
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Can I ask what you feed your cats? Mine recently made himself so sick that he almost died. He’s normally fine but I’m worried I’m not feeding him right. The vets are very ambiguous whenever I ask them and say it’s right but then make odd comments here and there too.
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Would you recommend a collar or a harness to walk your NFC? I want to let Eirik out when he’s older but would like to walk him around the area so he can familiarise himself with the way home. Advice welcomed! In the meantime, here’s Eirik earlier this morning – it’s hard to get up for work when he’s like this
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