Fully mature adult Norwegian Forest Cats usually weigh between 12 to 16 pounds (males) and 9 to 12 pounds (females). These sturdy cats descended from rugged ancestors on Viking ships are well-muscled, large pets who need a high proportion of protein and fat to stay happy and healthy.
Norwegian Forest Cats vs. Maine Coons: What is the Difference?
Norwegian Forest Cats and Maine Coons are thought to have a distant common ancestor and share many characteristics, but they do have several key differences. Norwegian Forest Cats are also known as Skogkatt (or Skaukatt in Norway), and are also fondly referred to as Wegie. Maine Coons are sometimes referred to as Coon Cat or Maine Cat, Snowshoe Cat or Maine Shag, American Longhair and Gentle Giants. As their names imply, Norwegian Forest Cats hail from Norway while Maine Coons call the northeastern United States their home.
Are Norwegian Forest Cats Good With Children?
The Norwegian Forest Cat is an intelligent breed. Though independent, they are not defiant by nature and can be obedient when treated well. Norwegian Forest Cats are a popular choice for many families because they are patient and gentle with children. They do not feel threatened by loud and playful kids like other breeds are, and they have a natural affectionate nature toward their immediate family.