I have a question, does any one else’s cat get really aggressive with noise? When we get ice from the ice maker it’s like a cat call, it is ok but if the dog is standing in the kitchen he gets smacked in the head. If my dog whines the cat runs to him to beat him up. Any noises he does this, is there something I can do for him? I’m at a loss
Aspen Shaw: Only time we get strange behaviour is full moon. Or when fireworks season starts then we get agressive fear behaviour.
Adeline George: Zak makes a funny noise when I sneeze ( ignores my husband sneezing!)
Aspen Shaw: Lol
Myla Barrett: Worth a quick check with your vet if you haven’t already just to rule out any medical causes xx
Marley Harrison: Our kitty does not get aggressive from noise, but he is definitely *affected* strongly by certain noises. I can think of three examples: 1. One type of noise triggers a gag reflex in him (if it is not discontinued he will throw up). Things that fall into this category: crinkle ball and tunnels, packing tape being pulled off the roll. 2. Dishes and silverware clanking. If someone is emptying the dishwasher or washing dishes during his dinner time, he will go away and come back later to eat. 3. Leaf blowers, garbage trucks, and other loud outdoor equipment: All of these terrify him. He will find the best hiding spot in the house and hide until hours after the noise has passed. I’m sure this is leftover from his youth as a stray, when he would often be displaced from his neighborhood hidey-holes by noisy gardeners. He isn’t crazy about the sound of rain either.
Marley Harrison: Oh, I should mention: He LOVES (live) music. I am an opera singer. After we adopted him, I expected to him to run in horror when I was practicing. Instead he can and sprawled right in front of me. He loves to hear me sing! lol.
Rebecca Sharp: Not aggressive, but our last cat used to get right up in my face any time I tried to sing, with a really concerned look on her wee face, almost like “what is WRONG with you??”. Kind of put me off singing. Sigh
Charlie Alexander: My guy was a stray also, I got him from ASPCA they really did not know anything about him. I do notice with garbage truck, mailman, visitors he runs and hides
Brantley Powell: My cat Gidget hates when my phone is on “speaker phone”. She bites my calf.
Zion Cortez: Coco doesn’t like high pitched shrieking noises. She will run and bite you.
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